Full-service supplier of drilling products & drilling services
We are an international, full-service supplier of drilling products for Environmental, Foundation, Landfill, Geotechnical, Horizontal/Directional, Water Well, Geothermal, Mining, Oil & Gas industries.
Environmental / Water Well / Geotechnical

Sinclair is a one stop shop for supplies for the Environmental & Water Well drilling markets. Sinclair custom manufactures its own PVC, SST, CST screens & casing to meet our customers’ specification. We supply a complete line of rotary drilling fluids, additives & grouts. We carry Geotechnical slope indicator pipe and accessories for Geotechnical drilling markets as well.

Foundation / Landfills / Construction

Sinclair Carries a full line of Cal Trans approved Slurry Products for the foundation drilling market. We have a trained staff of slurry engineers providing slurry program & field services. Also carry a variety of foundation and construction products & tools.

Mining / Coring/ HDD

Tooling, coring rods & casing. We also carry our own line of drilling fluids, additives and more. Also a complete line of HDD fluids & additives. HDPE pipe, mixing facilities & solids control equipment.

Oil / GAS / Geothermal

Sinclair provides a wide variety of clay base, oil base, production, & completion fluids. Also available are mixing facilities in addition to solids control equipment. Drilling fluids Engineers along with Drilling Fluids programs & API testing equipment are available upon request.